by Admin | 3 October 2020 08:46 pm10
Denying yourself is one of the essential requirements for becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately, many believers are either ignorant of this and some of them would not even want to hear it. They start as disciples without counting the cost. One still claim to be a disciple of Jesus, yet if they are not willing to deny themselves, they are still bound in sin.
Following Christ means to “deny your self” and to lay aside our own will, opinions and our human reactions. It implies a choice and a commitment by forsaking oneself, that is, our will, needs, pleasures or comfort in order to God’s will. We deny our self-will, only doing that which we do not like or going where we don’t want. We see Jesus’ purposes and his desires as vastly more important than our own.
If we run away from this truth, our lives will remain unfruitful. Our relationship with family members should not be a reason to deter us from being what Jesus wants you to be. As disciples of Jesus, we are not bound by human advice, reasoning, opinions, and influence. No human relationship should be more intimate, no human bond more inseparable than that between us and our Master. Our love for God must have precedence over any other. To be a disciple of Jesus demands that he become the most important thing in our life:
Likewise, not only denying your own will, but also the will of your Father, or your mother, or your son…Your father does not want you to be saved then you have to reject his advice and follow the biblical advice, your mother wants you to go to the doctor then you have to reject those ideas and follow the biblical. Your child makes you no longer seek God as you once did, you love Him so much that you are willing to bribe just to give him money to go to sports… you are ready to steal and cheat or do anything that displeases God just to give your son something that will please him.
Matthew 10:37 “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that lovethson or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 And he taketh not his cross,and followeth after me,is not worthy of me.
39 He that findeth his life shall lose it:and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it.”
Without denying our own sin and self-will, our lives will remain the same and the life of Christ cannot come forth in us. We will not be transformed nor be formed into our Master’s image.
We can still claim to be disciples, attend church, do charity work and call Jesus “Lord”. But in the long run this form of godliness can’t cover the sin that we are still bound in. if we can’t be Jesus’ disciples. He says that all who come after him must” hate” his family members, lest they be cast at away. They who love anything else more than Jesus are not of him.
And he does not need them. Taking our cross involves the daily putting to death our selfish desires and ambitions of the old self, our lower nature. Unless one is willing to forsake their sinful nature and be transformed, they have not been born again. Sadly, Jesus says he does not need them. And he that does not carry his cross daily and follow him is not worthy of him. He has no share with him. Jesus only works with and reveals himself to them that are willing to do his will. If one still holds onto his will and desires, Christ says he knows them not. Discipleship demands a devotion to the Lord that surpasses the instinct to preserve our own life. One must value following Jesus above life itself. If choose to love our relations more than Jesus, we are not worthy of him. Following Jesus comes with a price to be paid.
We will face reproach, conflict and separation from those who do not have the same mind. But we must be willing to bear it all for Jesus’ sake. The Bible tells us that whoever is ashamed of Jesus and of his words,of him shall the Lord be ashamed on the day of his second coming. If we are ashamed of Jesus because of our loved ones, we will miss him. He will forsake us. Christ must be the object of our supreme affection.
You don’t want to decide to give up alcohol, to stop living with a woman / man you have never married… he has rejected you, you have no fellowship with him… you say you are saved but fornication to you is like food, no matter how much you pay tithes, or how much you attend worship, or sing in choir, or be a prayer leader… His Word is right there… SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T TAKE HIS CROSS FOLLOW ME, IS NOT WORTH OF ME
You say you are saved but you are engaged in a sex groups, you engage in group of jokes and insults, you say you are saved you are still doing masturbation in secret, you are still dressed like a prostitute, who sell themselves on streets. Then you have not denied yourself.. So he doesn’t know you .. according to his own words… you have your will and he has his will. If he one not denied himself HE DOESN’T KNOW.
Pleasing him must be the highest most compelling motive of our lives.
Luke 9:23 ” And he said to them all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily ,and follow me.
24 For whosoever shall save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose it for my sake, the same shall save it.
25 For what is man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?
26.For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and my words, of him shall the Son of Man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory and in his Father’s, and of the holy angels.”
If you did not deny yourself and you thought you had Jesus in your heart.. Repent again today! .
Stop alcohol, stop corruption, stop immorality, stop masturbating, stop bad company companies..Many say they have tried to stop committing adultery and abstinence have failed so they need prayer… There is no request for this behavior.
It’s up to you to decide!
To become a disciple of Jesus, repent of your sins and decide to leave all you used to do. Turn your back on your past. Choose to follow Christ wholeheartedly and do not turn back. God will then send forth his Spirit to help you overcome sin and to guide you in the way of truth in its wholeness. Remember to be baptized into the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins. Take up your cross daily and follow Jesus.
God bless you.
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