by Admin | 8 October 2020 08:46 pm10
Today, by the grace given us by the Lord, let us apply our hearts to understanding what God wants us to know. It’s in God’s own doing that you have come across this message ;because he has a purpose for the time he’s allotted each one of us.The Bible instructs us to live wisely ,making the most of the time we have.
Ephesians 5:15 ” See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;”
Let’s look at what it means to redeem the time in accordance with the Scriptures. Many people know the phrase “redeeming the time” simply as “using the time well.” For instance,in school, teachers except the students to utilize every passing moment in constructive work. Looking at little time the students still have with several topics uncovered, they are supposed to make the most of their time. Spending time in mischievous talks and engaging in activities that are likely to steal and waste it, usually disappoint teachers and parents as well.
Likewise, the Bible teaches us to redeem the time. Why? Because the days are evil.What then are we to do to redeem the time?. The Bible tells us that the only way to live wisely is by knowing what the will of the Lord is.We therefore need to think through our plans and make sure they align with God’s will.
We live in a world plagued by tribulations, with distractions so prevalent, but the Bible warns us to be careful in how we live, not as fools but as wise.We need to conscious of how fleeting our days are. The Bible describes our earthly as flowers of the field which have no long life (Psalms 103:15).
In James 4:14 “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”.
It does not matter how long we shall live here on earth.What matters is how we live while here. God has given us a short little life and expects that, of all the great things we could do,we will Identify and pursue the few that matter most. He has given us the gift of time in trust with expectation that we’ll use it wisely and diligently commit it to the highest of purposes. When we get to our eternal home, all that will count is what we did or did not do to redeem the time. Our money,jobs,education and possessions will amount to nothing. All that will remain of our lives on earth is that which was invested in eternity. Becoming conscious of what will matter most enables us to live wisely.
Our Lord Jesus knew what it meant to redeem the time.Though he was God in the flesh,Jesus knew that a time would come,which he referred to as the night (DEATH),when no man could do any works.He taught his disciples the necessity of redeeming the time.Look at what he told them:
John 9:4 “I must work the works of him that sent me,while it is day:the night cometh,when no man can work.”
Jesus was diligent about keeping to his mission. Distractions were as prevalent as they are now,but he let none of them deter him from preaching and teaching God’s Word.Though he spent only 33 years on this earth,Jesus changed the world forever because he redeemed the time. How can we redeem the time we have? We can learn to redeem the time by asking God to help us.We should start every morning by committing our day to the Lord and asking him to help us do something that day that has eternal significance.Now is the time to make things anew with God ,before that day comes.
Rather than spending your time chatting in whatsapp groups ,or reading misleading material on social media platforms, redeem the time by doing what leaves a lasting imprint. Seize every opportunity and use it for God’s glory. You may use that time in studying God’s Word, listening to sermons,reading Christian literature, or praising as well as worshipping in song. All are ways we can redeem time. In our places of work,we can also redeem the time by asking God to help us find time to tell our workmates about Jesus.We can use the little time we have witnessing to them about God’s saving grace and share with them the good news of God’s Kingdom. In so doing,we shall be redeeming the time,and our day will have an eternal significance.
During leisure, we can spend our free time in prayer even when there are no needs at the moment. We can pray for our families,friends, neighbours,relations and the Church of Christ. By so doing,we will be redeeming the time.Not only that but through prayer we are delivered from temptations. Today,let’s seek and gain wisdom to help us live in constant awareness of that ticking clock and make the most of the time we have (Psalms 90:12).
We can learn to redeem the time by becoming conscious of the fact that we may not have another day.Let’s live like we were dying and pursue all God has given us to do. While we have time.
God bless you.
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