by Admin | 30 December 2021 08:46 am12
Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
Praise be to the Lord Jesus…
If you want to know that all things has been completed, what is awaited is only the rapture, look at the state of the harvest in the Lord’s field. Try to compare the people who came to Christ in the apostolic age, and the people who are now saved in our day.
When the gospel was first preached in the area, the response of the people to the conversion of Christ was so dramatic, Remember only after Pentecost, the church was multiplying by thousands, by very little gospel. And that in a very short time Christianity spread throughout the world, and not just spread, but preached (Colossians 1: 6, 1 Thessalonians 1: 8).
But look now things are different, No one who doesn’t know the gospel, or the knowledge of Christ, we all know it, but ask yourself why people do not want to be saved, they are the ones who are going so far away from Christianity. That the prove to show that the harvests has finished in the field only weed remained.
And that has now led to the conversion of the gospel no longer to attract people, but to witness. When you see, the gospel has reached you in your bed holding your phone and reading, know that it is not to attract you, that is just a testimony, if you see the gospel has reached you in your living room watching TV with your family, the gospel reaches you in the leaflets you read on the street. You are given a free bible on your phone, things that never existed before.
So know that this is not the gospel to draw you back to Christ . It is the gospel of TESTIMONY.
So that when you die in your sins, you have no reason to say I have never heard, or seen, or been told.
Just ask yourself, why with all these sermons preached to you and heard throughout your life, and you still have no change in you. Do you think that is normal? No, usually just one Word will be enough to make you holy according to Hebrews 4:12.
But you have not turned away because you are not Wheat but just a weed.
What is left now is God watching at least if there will be a few remnant to save. But I want to tell you, one of these days that counts, we are going to witness a very big change in the world. We will witness the great act of the Rapture of the church.
These are the words of the Lord Jesus, (Matthew 24: 40-42) will be fulfilled. That night two will be asleep one will be taken, one will be left. Two women will be grinding (meaning they will be in their business), one will be taken and one will be left. Those who will be left behind, while on earth what is going on, will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Remorseing why they did not obey God’s voice at that time, when it gently drew them to Him. They’ll cry and mourn, really don’t be one of them.
But those who are raptured will go straight to heaven with their glorious bodies, at the feast of the Lamb. In unparalleled pleasure, Wiping away tears from their misery they were going through here on earth for Christ’s sake.
Brethren, you may see these things as stories, or things that will happen 5 thousand years in the future, do not deceive yourself. When Jesus said REPENTANCE, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. He was not lying. It is true that the kingdom of heaven was at hand, He didn’t lie, it true that the kingdom of heaven was near, Just asking yourself what will we say now?
Turn around, when you hear the gospel at this time.
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