by Admin | 25 September 2024 08:46 pm09
May the name of the Lord and the Great Savior JESUS CHRIST be praised, let us learn the Bible, the living Word of our God, which is the lamp and the light of our way to heaven (Ps. 119:105).
One of the biggest and oldest sermons of the devil is to preach to people that “GOD DOESN’T FORGIVE AND HATES PEOPLE”.
This doctrine is a great weapon to make a person not try to seek God, or even if he had already started the steps to seek God’s face, then he should give up on the way. He knows that if a person knows that he can be forgiven by God, then he will not find him again, and he wants people to continue in sin so that they will eventually miss eternal life as he did.
Now one of the main characteristics of GOD who created heaven and earth is FORGIVENESS. It means “he gives forgiveness even to a person who does not deserve to be forgiven”.. And this is the first attribute that makes him (GOD) scary!.. and not only the miraculous deeds he did in Egypt, or that he continues to do even now, which we basically think that that’s what makes God scary.
The Great and the first miracle that makes God fear, is FORGIVING SINS, and COMPLETELY REMOVING THEM FROM A PERSON.
Psalm 130:3 “Lord, if You counted the evils, O Lord, who would stand?
4 But for you there is forgiveness, SO THAT YOU SHOULD BE FEARED”.
What? Do you feel that you are a sinner, and you feel that your sin cannot be erased??…know that GOD has forgiveness, and not only forgiveness but also remission of sin, so much so that after being forgiven, God removes the foundation of that sin, so much so that sometimes there will be no power over you.
Do you feel that the murder you committed cannot be forgiven?, do you feel the thoughts you thought or are thinking are unforgivable?, do you feel the act you did and repeated many times is unforgivable?..if those thoughts are in you then know that it is the enemy who is telling you that.
Everything you have done is forgivable if you want the Lord to forgive you! All you have to do is repent by meaning to stop what you are doing, if you truly repent by meaning, then with FAITH believe that God will forgive you, you don’t need an angel to tell you that you are forgiven, just believe, because that’s what the Bible teaches us that “let’s go by faith and not by to see” (2 Corinthians 5:7).
And once you believe in that way, then God will forgive you the mistake or the mistakes you made, even if you made them repeatedly 100 times, he will already forgive you all your debt. But remember forgiveness is not forgiveness!.. Someone can forgive you for the insult you insulted, but if the spirit of insulting has not left you then you can repeat the same insults tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
Therefore, so that the mistake does not repeat itself again in your life, it needs to be removed from its roots in you. Now the principle of removing the root of sin is what the devil has blinded people to.
But thanks be to God because it is clear in the scriptures.
let’s read
Acts 2:37 “When they heard this, their hearts burned, and they said to Peter and the other apostles, What should we do, our brothers?
38 Peter said to them, REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED EACH OF YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, GET FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit”.
Here Peter shows these congregations, the principle of REMOVING the ROOT of sin in them, after they REPENT of sin, that THEY BE BAPTIZED IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. As a symbol of taking off the old personality and putting on a new personality, and with that water symbol, then the root of sin will leave them, the sins of repeating themselves will stop, so the man of God remains free from sin.
And again our God with his love adds to us the gift of the Holy Spirit, in us as the Seal of God for what we have repented of.
Are you still holding on to your sins? Why don’t you confess today by repenting and being baptized? And remember that the correct confession is that of repentance by meaning, and the correct baptism is that of a lot of water and in the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
May the Lord bless you.
If you need help in leading the prayer of Repentance, or baptism then you can contact us and we will help you in that.
Maran atha!
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