by Admin | 30 September 2020 08:46 am09

What is the Anchor of the Soul?


Let us meditate on the living words of our LORD. Brother, if you do not have the hope that is found only in JESUS, it is difficult to end this journey of your life here on earth safely, no matter how happy you are, that happiness is fake my brother, you cannot overcome this world full of temptations and troubles, and many traps of the enemy, you can’t ..

No matter how much money you have, you will still get to the point where you will be carried away by water only, even if you depend on some human being, eternal life will not be possible for you.

And that is why there are times when the LORD JESUS said that, in order for a house to be safe, it must first be built on a strong foundation, otherwise if it is built without a foundation there is a time when even a strong wind blows, the house will be golf. And that foundation is Jesus CHRIST. Read ..

Matthew 7:24-25 Kjv

24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

But there is also a time when you will go through a place where you cannot dig a foundation under you, because below there is a lot of water, there is a sea, there is a lake, etc, For example, sailors, knowing that in order to protect themselves from the dangers of strong winds or storms, have to travel with another unique device, called anchor. The anchor’s job is to go very low, to make sure it goes down to the place where the sea or lake ends, and to meet the rock below, then it lands there, now when it stucks there, even a storm of strong winds passing up there is hard to overturn the vessel.

Anchor’s reputation is that it goes very far, looking for a foundation, thing that nothing else can do.

So it is with the man who received Jesus with all his heart today, ..What GOD is doing from that moment on, is that He is lowering this anchor of the soul, called HOPE, which goes straight to the heart of CHRIST (the real Rock), uniting you and Him, so that no matter how strong the waves come before you, they will not overwhelm you. You will go through all kinds of trials, you will go through hardships, you will go through trials, you will go through all kinds of adversity for the sake of your faith, but being cut off from the line of salvation is something that will not always be possible, people will look at your foundation why don’t we see it, they’ll see it’s just a little rope dropped in the water, but down at the bottom is heavy metal set on a very hard rock (JESUS CHRIST) So that you cannot  be shaken, by any wave of the devil.

Hebrews 6:18-20 Kjv

18 That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:

19 Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;

20 Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

But if you have not given your life to CHRIST, or you are just lukewarm, that is, one foot out, the other one inwardly, it is incomprehensible, then this Hope GOD cannot put in you.

Brother Salvation is a very real thing, and it is truly the power of GOD, anyone who is determined to follow JESUS, this anchor must be one hundred percent lower into his spirit. Do not trust in religion, or denomination, or anybody that calls himself an apostle or a prophet, or whatever it is, all of them can’t save you here on earth except CHRIST alone.

And salvation comes by believing, and being baptized, when you believe directly you are ready and going to be baptized also in the proper baptism by immersion in the water and in the name of JESUS ​​CHRIST. And after that you begin to live the life of a person as saved.

Then GOD brings this hope into you, which no enemy wave will be able to remove you.

So if you are out of CHRIST or you were lukewarm and that is why the world overcame you, it is your time now to make the right decision, resolve yourself first from your heart, then kneel to show that you need GOD’S help, and confess your mistakes. , then begin the process of finding the right immersion baptism (if would need that service, kindly contact us), ..and then begin to live a life in line with your repentance.

And from that moment on you will see a great change in your life for the Holy Spirit who has been brought into you. Because salvation is more powerful than anything else on earth.

God bless you.

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