by Admin | 9 November 2020 08:46 pm11
Psalms 9:10 “And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee:for thou,Lord,hast not forsaken them that seek thee,”
Let us continue to remind ourselves that God loves those whose hearts and souls are fully devoted to seeking him. He takes great delight in them that desire to know him. He who seeks the Lord will never walk through life alone,because he has promised to be with him always.
As for men,they may at some point leave or abandon their fellow men when they fail to help us or when hurt.But this is not so with God. He loves from the word go,and is not manipulated by human ideas. God does not look at one’s past wrongdoings,level of spiritual maturity or weaknesses. When one chooses to turn to God and make a fresh new start,He there and then shows his desire to move along with you.
Meanwhile, the Devil will say to you that God cannot listen or reveal himself to you. He will also remind you of the past and present sin you have committed,and that God cannot forgive you.Don’t listen to his voice.Whenever such thoughts enter your mind,ignore them.The devil is out to discourage and to shatter your desire of seeking God.Yet God’s Word and love is perfect and unchanging. He will never forsake them that seek him.
John 6:37″ All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out”.
God cannot turn away or forsake all who go to him.Those who choose to follow Jesus can be confident that he will gladly receive them.God’s love for us is unconditional, and the door is open for all to enter regardless of one’s religion or denomination. When you seek the Lord,he will be found by you and reveal himself to you as well.He can never change his mind.God keeps his word.
The Enemy,Satan,has caused many to believe that God is not concerned with people like themselves and that they cannot be heard by God.They are like trash in God’s sight.When you hear this,confront it.Say to the devil,”If at all I’m no valuable then God wouldn’t have made me.Yet because he was pleased to create me in his own image and likeness,I am valuable and so precious in his sight!”
Having stood your ground and devoted yourself to seeking God,he will show himself to you.God is bound by his Word.He is not a man that he should lie or change his mind When he gives his word,he keeps it.The Lord has promised that he will in no wise forsake all those who seek him.You can trust him to fulfil his promised.He has no record of failure
The very first confirmatory sign that one is seeking the Lord is when they repent and forsake their sinful life. Secondly,one willingly seeks the right form of baptism and is baptized into the name of Jesus in accordance with the Scripture (Acts 2:38).And the third indication of whether one seeks God is when they study the Word,living it out and daily exercise communion with God through prayer.
As you put this into practice ,we wish you all the best in your daily encounter with God,all your life on earth.For he has promised that he will neither leave nor forsake those who seek him.
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