The most recent questions are the first in the list, so to read, click on the relevant question.
- Is a woman allowed going to the altar when she is in her menstruation?
- What is the difference between flesh and spirit uncleanness?
- What does it mean “in the abundance of wisdom there is the abundance of sorrows”.
- “The Heart of a wise, is at his right hand” What does that mean?
- Jesus was sent to Israel alone or to all the nations?
- What is the difference between commandment, law and judgement
- What is the difference between the Greeks, the Pharisees and the Sadducees?
- When is the true Sabbath?
- Is Yawning a sign of demons?
- Is it sin to read the Bible on the phone or tablet?
- How long did it take for Noah to build an ark?
- How many children did Ibrahim have?
- What does mote and beam mean? (Matthew 7:3 )
- Who is Azazel/ scapegoat we read in Leviticus 16:8?
- Who are these people whose place was not found
- Was Jesus White?
- What kind of ballot was used by the people who travelled with Jonah?
- What was the thorn in Paul’s flesh?
- Did Paul truly worship the angel who he was walking with?
- Is masturbation a sin?
- What does the word INRI on the cross of the Lord Jesus mean?
- Who is Jeshurun in the bible?
- What happens after death? for a Saint and a sinner?
- What is the difference between Fornication and adultery?
- Where did cain get his wife from?
- Is it sin to charge interest (unsury)?
- What is the difference between a dream and a Vision?
- Is it true, water baptism is no longer needed?
- Are all sins equal? and have the same punishment?
- Where did Satan get wickedness?
- What does spiritual fornication mean?
- Is it a sin to get a tattoo?
how mauch the old bible books