Title January 2022

Biblia inamaana gani inaposema “Wewe uchukiaye sanamu, wateka mahekalu?”

SWALI: Naomba kufahamu Bibliainaposema “Wewe uchukiaye sanamu, wateka mahekalu?” inamaana gani? Kuteka mahekalu ndio kukoje?

Warumi 2:21 “basi wewe umfundishaye mwingine, je! Hujifundishi mwenyewe? Wewe uhubiriye kwamba mtu asiibe, waiba mwenyewe?

22 Wewe usemaye kwamba mtu asizini, wazini mwenyewe? Wewe uchukiaye sanamu, wateka mahekalu?

JIBU: Maneno hayo aliyasema mtume Paulo kwa uweza wa Roho Mtakatifu, lakini hakutoa maelezo marefu, ni kwa namna gani wayahudi walikuwa wanateka mahekalu.

Lakini kulingana na maneno yake, ni kuwa kulikuwa ni desturi mbaya kwa baadhi ya wayahudi waliokuwa wanaishi kwenye mataifa ya wapagani, ya kuvamia mahekalu yao, kisha kuiba miungu yao, ambayo haswaa ilikuwa inatengenezwa kwa vito vya thamani kubwa kama vile fedha, au dhahabu.

Hivyo wenyewe walikuwa wanaviiba  na kwenda kuviuza kama vilivyo , au wanaviyeyusha na kuviuza kama VITO kinyume chake,. Jambo ambalo si tu Mungu alilipinga, bali pia lilikuwa ni kinyume na sheria za watu wa mataifa..

Jambo kama hilo utaliona  likitajwa tena katika ile Habari ya Paulo, alipokuwa kule Efeso, wale watu walipoleta vurugu kwasababu ya Paulo kuhubiri habari ambazo zinakinzana na ibada za miungu yao. Utaona pale walipopeleka mashitaka, wale waamuzi hawakuona kosa lolote juu ya akina Paulo,..Na moja ya makosa ambayo walitazamia kuyaona kwa mitume, ni hilo la kuiba vitu vya mahekalu yao.

Matendo 19:36 “Basi kwa kuwa mambo haya hayawezi kukanushwa, imewapasa kutulia; msifanye neno la haraka haraka.

37 Kwa maana mmewaleta watu hawa, wasioiba vitu vya hekalu wala kumtukana mungu mke wetu”.

Sasa tukirudi katika swali, kwanini Mtume Paulo aliposema “Wewe uchukiaye sanamu, wateka mahekalu?”, Alimaanisha kuwa Ikiwa umeamua kutojihusisha na ibada za sanamu, iweje basi uibe vitu vyao na kuvifanyia biashara?.. Je! Kuna tofauti yoyote na wale wanaovifanyia ibada?

Mungu alishakataza tabia kama hiyo katika kitabu cha Kumbukumbu la Torati, soma;

Kumbukumbu 7:25 “Sanamu za kuchonga za miungu yao mtaziteketeza kwa moto; usitamani fedha wala dhahabu iliyo juu yao, wala usiitwae iwe yako usije ukanaswa nayo; kwa maana ni machukizo kwa Bwana, Mungu wako”;

Hii inatufundisha nini?

Tukikataa dhambi Fulani basi tusiwe wanafki, kuitenda katika maumbile mengine..Kwamfano,  tukisema hatunywi pombe, hatupaswi kwenda kuiba/kuchukua chupa za bia na kwenda kuziuza..Ikiwa hatuvuti sigara, hatupaswi pia kwenda kununua HISA za sigara, katika masoko ya fedha,  kisa tu zina faida kubwa. Ikiwa hatuzini, hatupaswi pia kufanya biashara za guesthouse kwa wazinzi.

Bwana akubariki.

Tafadhali washirikishe na wengine habari hizi njema,

Kwa maombezi/Ratiba za ibada/ Ushauri/ Maswali.
Piga namba hizi: +255693036618 au +255789001312

Pia kwa kupokea mafundisho ya kila siku kwa njia ya WHATSAPP, jiunge na channel yetu kwa kubofya link hii >> https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaBVhuA3WHTbKoz8jx10

Mada Nyinginezo:

Maashera na Maashtorethi ni nini?

Bwana aliposema kuwa yeye ni “Mungu wa miungu” alikuwa na maana gani?..je! yeye ni Mungu wa sanamu?

Je! ni sahihi kwa mkristo kujifukiza?

Maswali na Majibu

Rudi nyumbani

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Haiwezekani kuwafanya tena upya hata wakatubu

Nini maana ya huu mstari.“Haiwezekani kuwafanya upya tena hata wakatubu” (Waebrania 6:6)


Waebrania 6:4 “Kwa maana hao waliokwisha kupewa nuru, na kukionja kipawa cha mbinguni, na kufanywa washirika wa Roho Mtakatifu,

5 na kulionja neno zuri la Mungu, na nguvu za zamani zijazo,

6 wakaanguka baada ya hayo, haiwezekani kuwafanya upya tena hata wakatubu; kwa kuwa wamsulibisha Mwana wa Mungu mara ya pili kwa nafsi zao, na kumfedhehi kwa dhahiri”.

Kipengele cha muhimu cha kuzingatia hapo ni hicho.. “Hata wakatubu”.

Maana ya andiko hilo kwa lugha rahisi ni kwamba “watu waliopewa Nuru (Maana yake walioipokea Neema ya Wokovu) na kufanywa washirika wa Roho Mtakatifu, kama ikitokea wakaiacha Imani, kwa makusudi, na kurudia tena mambo machafu ya ulimwengu haitawezekana kuwafanya tena WATUBU”.

Sio kwamba wataomba msamaha na Mungu hatawasamehe, hapana!…bali haitawezekana tena kuwa na huo moyo wa kutubu!..Kwasababu nguvu ya kutubu inaletwa na Roho Mtakatifu, hakuna mtu yeyote amewahi kutubu na kumgeuka kwa nguvu zake.

Yohana 6:44 “Hakuna mtu awezaye kuja kwangu, asipovutwa na Baba aliyenipeleka; nami nitamfufua siku ya mwisho”.

Na pia maandiko yanazidi kusema..

Yohana 15:16 “Si ninyi mlionichagua mimi, bali ni mimi niliyewachagua ninyi; nami nikawaweka mwende mkazae matunda…”

Maana yake ni kwamba, tunatubu kwasababu ni Mungu katuwekea moyo wa toba, lakini kama tumemfedhehesha Roho Mtakatifu anayetupa moyo wa toba, na akaondoka kwetu?..Je! Tutafanyaje ili tutubu?..tutabaki tu kuendelea na maisha ya dhambi.

Hiyo ni tahadhari kwetu tuliomwamini Bwana Yesu na kusimama katika Imani, na kuvionja vipawa vya Roho, na kuona kwamba Bwana ni mwema ni lazima tuchukue tahadhari, tuangalie tusiurudie ulimwengu na kuishi tena maisha ya dhambi kama zamani.

1 Wakorintho 10:12 “Kwa hiyo anayejidhania kuwa amesimama na aangalie asianguke”.

Mtume Petro ameliweka tena hilo vizuri kwa kusema.

2 Petro 2:20 “Kwa maana wale waliokwisha kuyakimbia machafu ya dunia kwa kumjua Bwana na Mwokozi Yesu Kristo, kama wakinaswa tena na kushindwa, hali yao ya mwisho imekuwa mbaya kuliko ile ya kwanza.

21 Maana ingekuwa heri kwao kama wasingaliijua njia ya haki, kuliko kuijua, kisha kuiacha ile amri takatifu waliyopewa

22 Lakini imetukia kwao sawasawa na ile mithali ya kweli, Mbwa ameyarudia matapiko yake mwenyewe, na nguruwe aliyeoshwa amerudi kugaa-gaa matopeni.”.

Pengine wewe unayesoma ujumbe huu ulikuwa umeshaanza kurudi nyuma, ingawa ulishavionja vipawa vya Mungu, Na sasa umesikia huu ujumbe na umekuogopesha na kukushtua.

Hiyo hofu iliyoingia ndani yako ni kuonesha kuwa bado Neema haijaondoka juu yako, lakini ipo mbioni kuondoka kwako kama hautageuza njia zako (Hiyo ni kulingana na maandiko).

Siku itakapoondoka hutashtushwa tena na habari kama hizi, wala hutamwona tena Yesu ni wa maana katika maisha yako, utaishia kuwa mtu wa kudhihaki na kutokujali, Toba itakuwa mbali sana nawe.

Lakini sasa bado neema ipo nawe, ndio maana sasa hivi una hofu usikiapo habari za kiMungu.

Sasa Nini cha kufanya?

Ule ulevi ambao tayari ulikuwa umeuacha usiurudie tena, ule uzinzi, uasherati, uuaji, wizi n.k ambao ulikuwa umeshauacha, usiufanye tena, kwasababu kuna hatari kubwa kuyarudia mambo tuliyokuwa tumeyaacha.

Bwana atubariki.

Maran atha!

Tafadhali washirikishe na wengine habari hizi njema,

Kwa maombezi/Ratiba za ibada/ Ushauri/ Maswali.
Piga namba hizi: +255693036618 au +255789001312

Pia kwa kupokea mafundisho ya kila siku kwa njia ya WHATSAPP, jiunge na channel yetu kwa kubofya link hii >> https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaBVhuA3WHTbKoz8jx10

Mada Nyinginezo:

Ni kwa namna gani Bwana amekuja kuwafanya wanaoona wawe vipofu?





Rudi nyumbani

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Blessed be the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us study the bible.

In fishing, there is fishing using a hook, and there is also fishing using nets.

Hook fishing is fishing that involves catching fish individually, so it takes a little longer and also has less impact. And in this fishery only two things are involved in catching fish, and that is the hook itself, along with the bait!.

And the bait used is a small piece of flesh that will attract fish, so when every fish is caught then the fisherman has to put another bait for another fish. This is a good fishing but it has little effect and lasts a long time.

And that’s none other than net fishing which doesn’t use a small piece of flesh ha a great result. And that is through the use of nets and light.

This fishing is usually done at night, where the fishermen go to the high seas and then turn on their light and when they do, the fish are attracted to the light and move closer to the vessel and eventually into the nets. And the results are huge, fish are available in large quantities and in a short time.

What does this teach us? The bait of light is better than the bait of using small piece of flesh. And we who preach the Lord Jesus will be compared to fishermen. And in the ocean world and just as fishermen go fishing at night, so do we go fishing in a world of deep darkness. (Lost world, people drowned in the darkness of the world, whom the devil has blinded their eyes from seeing).

But our bait is not meat fillet. That will have no effect in the midst of the thick darkness of the ocean. The bait we need is light.

Matthew 5:14 “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Just as fishermen’s attracts many fish at night, So our ACTIONS (which are the lights of the world), that is what preaches and attracts more people to Christ than the miracles we perform, or the languages we speak, or our gifts or anything else.

Remember always the best bait is OUR LIGHTING LAMES (Which are our actions), the more our lights shine the more our lights appear and attract more fish.

Philippians 2:15 “That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world”.

Is your Light shining in the middle of this dark world ??

May the Lord help us and Bless us.

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Maandiko yanasema kila jambo lina majira yake..

Mhubiri 3:1 “Kwa kila jambo kuna majira yake, Na wakati kwa kila kusudi chini ya mbingu”.

Maana yake ni kwamba kuna mambo ambayo unaweza kuyatamani yatokee lakini kama si majira yake hayawezi kutokea.

Kama muembe haujafika majira yake ya kuzaa maembe, haijalishi utaumwagia maji kiasi gani, au utauwekea mbolea kiasi gani, kamwe hautazaa..


Kwasaababu sio msimu wa maembe, sio majira yake ya kuzaa..Lakini utakapofika wakati wake hata usipomwagiwa maji wala kuwekewa mbolea bado utazaa tu!!.

Kadhalika pia katika mambo ya rohoni, kuna vitu vinavyopatikana kwa msimu tu!. Sio kila wakati vipo, Na moja wapo ya hivyo ni NEEMA YA WOKOVU.

Tofauti na inavyofikiriwa na wengi kuwa Neema ya wokovu ni ya milele na ya wakati wote!.. Lakini kiuhalisia! Sio ya Milele, ni ya kupindi fulani tu!.

Kabla ya Bwana Yesu kuja duniani, neema hii ilikuwa haipatikani, hakukuwa na kitu kinaitwa msamaha wa dhambi, (Dhambi zote zilikuwa zinafunikwa tu).

Daudi, Musa, Eliya, na manabii wengine wote hawajawahi kuondolewa dhambi zao, badala yake zilikuwa zinafunikwa tu!, Na kila mwaka kunakuwa na kumbukumbu la dhambi.

Na hiyo si kwasababu walikuwa hawaombi sana, au hawakuwa na bidii..la! Walikuwa na bidii kuliko hata sisi (Maandiko yanasema Eliya alikuwa ni mtu wa kuomba sana kwa bidii, Yakobo 5:17).

Sasa kama ni hivyo kwanini, Hawakupewa hii Neema?.

Jibu ni kwasababu haukuwa Wakati wa Neema kuachiliwa duniani, haukuwa msimu wa Neema ya Mungu kudhihirika duniani, haijalishi wangeomba kiasi gani, bado hii Neema tuliyonayo sisi wasingeipata, kwasababu haukuwa wakati uliokubalika.

Lakini baada ya Bwana kuja duniani, ndipo majira mapya yakaanza.. Ukawa ni wakati uliokubalika wa Neema ya Mungu kumwagwa duniani.

Luka 4:18 “Roho wa Bwana yu juu yangu, Kwa maana amenitia mafuta kuwahubiri maskini habari njema.

Amenituma kuwatangazia wafungwa kufunguliwa kwao, Na vipofu kupata kuona tena, Kuwaacha huru waliosetwa,

19 Na kutangaza mwaka wa Bwana uliokubaliwa”.

Hapo mstari wa 19, anasema “Kutangaza mwaka wa Bwana uliokubaliwa”.

Hajaishia kusema tu “Mwaka wa Bwana”..bali pia “uliokubaliwa”.

Maana upo wakati uliokubalika na wakati ambao sio wa kukubalika.

Sasa tukishayajua hayo tunapaswa tufanye nini?

Biblia imetupa ushauri..

2 Wakorintho 6:1 “Nasi tukitenda kazi pamoja naye twawasihi msiipokee neema ya Mungu bure.

2 (Kwa maana asema,Wakati uliokubalika nalikusikia,Siku ya wokovu nalikusaidia; tazama, wakati uliokubalika ndio sasa; tazama, siku ya wokovu ndiyo sasa.)

Hapo anasema “wakati uliokubalika nalikusikia”..na “siku ya Wokovu nalikusaidia”

Kwa lugha rahisi ni kwamba “msimu wa neema nitakusikia” “Na msimu wa kuokolewa nitakusaidia”. Maana yake msimu tofauti na huo hakuna wokovu. Kama vile misimu ya matunda ilivyo.

Ndugu hii Neema ipo ukingoni sana kuisha, na itaisha siku ile Unyakuo utakapotokea duniani, baada ya hapo hata ulieje, hakuna wokovu kwasababu sio saa ya wokovu, siku hiyo hata ufungeje kwa maombi na dua na sala hutasikiwa kwasababu sio wakati uliokubalika.

Je umeichukuliaje hii Neema leo?

Manabii wa zamani walitamani kukiona hichi kipindi tulichopo lakini hawakukiona.
Huu ndio wakati wa kusikiwa maombi yetu na sala zetu na Mungu, wakati unakuja mbingu zitafungwa.

Je umeingia ndani ya Neema leo?

Unaingiaje ndani ya neema?Unaingia kwa kumkiri Yesu na kutubu dhambi zako zote na kubatizwa kwa Jina la Yesu.

Kanuni rahisi tu hiyo, inakusogeza karibu sana na Mungu kwa viwango vingine.

Maran atha!

Tafadhali washirikishe na wengine habari hizi njema,

Kwa maombezi/Ratiba za ibada/ Ushauri/ Maswali.
Piga namba hizi: +255693036618 au +255789001312

Pia kwa kupokea mafundisho ya kila siku kwa njia ya WHATSAPP, jiunge na channel yetu kwa kubofya link hii >> https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaBVhuA3WHTbKoz8jx10

Mada Nyinginezo:


Neema ni nini?



Rudi nyumbani

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Our enemy Satan, is like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1Pet. 5:8), so night and noon he fights against us in order to overthrow us or to take what we have.

Today we will look at one way he uses to rob us of our blessings.

When Satan knows there are certain blessings promised by God, he immediately begins to look for a way to rob you of that, now contrary to many who think that our enemy the devil is robbing us of our blessings by seducing us, or sending us witches! .. No! No magic can annul the blessings God has promised us through his mouth. Many people waste a lot of energy and time dealing with witches and superstitious people thinking that they are the ones who are blocking the blessings God has promised them for their lives but they are not!.

Satan knows very well that he can never take away what God has promised us, he does not have that power! When God says I will give you this or that, the devil cannot nullify that thing..so he does not use magic, nor divination!..

For example, you have walked in the ways of righteousness, you have been humble before God, you have served Him and God was very pleased with you, even giving you a promise as He gave to Abraham, perhaps living many years, or even having a child or anything good. completely even in a vision, or even sent his angel to give you that message.

What the devil is doing after knowing that you have been given such a great promise, is not to use witches to cast spells on you or take your star .. no! He can’t do that because he knows he will be wasting his time..what he will do is make sure you trust your first right, and start making you cool to keep doing justice .. so that God will be displeased with you, and take away the promise he made to you.

You will ask yourself! Does God always nullify His promises? the answer is yes!.

When the person turn away from his righteous and go back to commit iniquity, God will take away his promise that has made towards the person, it doesn’t matter he sent his Angles or he came himself to give you that message, but at the end he will take it away. You will ask where is that scripture state that..

Ezekiel 33:13 “When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he trust to his own righteousness, and commit iniquity, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity that he hath committed, he shall die for it.

If the Lord promises you to live many years, and if you turn away from your right, you will die before you reach your age, even though He has shown you that you will live many years.

Sister, that you are God-fearing now, if the Lord shows you that you are carrying a baby in the future, or He will use you in great numbers in the future and you turn around, and start committing adultery, you start dressing like worldly women dress, you become a gossip etc, you will forget that promise. You will start thinking if was really God who spoke to you that day or not! He is not a liar, the devil has already taken your blessing for so many days, and he has not taken it by magic! .. He has taken it by separating you from your God.

Always remember that, when the Lord gives you a promise of something, it does not mean that you have already received it! (Do not put that in your mind).

It is possible that today the devil will take away your crown, or your good promise that God has given you… the devil has brought you back into the world, that is why you no longer see the sign of the promise God made to you. , and again to a great extent .. but until now you do not see anything you wonder if God really showed you that vision or what it is!

You forgot that God’s promises are fulfilled on us, as long as we remain in His will, when we depart from His will no promise of God will be fulfilled in us.

But the good news is that there is still hope, even if the devil steals your blessing, you are likely to get it back, and all the blessings that were taken away from you will return to you.

Ezekiel 33:15 “If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.

16 None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him: he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.

All you have to do now is repent! .. and return to the Lord with all your heart! But come back because you really know you are the culprit, your ways are evil, if you were a thief you stop stealing, and you return what you stole if they are still in the power of your hands, if you were an adulterer you stop committing adultery, if you were drunkard stop it ,if you used to dress badly, (You are a woman but you wear naked clothes, wigs, earrings, lipstick etc.) all that you give up, man if you used to shave worldly styles, and you used to wear worldly clothes you quit..and all other inappropriate things .

And after giving up all that, and repenting the next step is baptism, remember baptism is the only way to complete salvation for a person (Mark 16:16). And the right baptism is by many water and in the name of Jesus Christ.

And after that the Holy Spirit that came into you, will guide you and lead you into all truth. And He Himself will restore all the Blessings and all the promises that have been taken away from you. You will see them fulfilled before your eyes.

That is the easiest way to restore your blessings and promises, and you do not need to be prayed for by anyone, its only you to get back the good relationship with God that was broken and you will start see your blessings that God promised you.

God Bless you.

Please share this good news with others.

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